Share your model, your dataset, provide a simple mechanisms for using them. That is what research is all about. Hugging Face provides you with a great infrasctruture for doing that an a little more. [5 min read]
DGA is a mechanism used by malware for establishing contact with the C2 channel. This is the second post of the series for creating a simple DGA using techniques for text generation. In particular, CNN uses Keras and Tensorflow for R. [6 min read]
DGA is a mechanism used by malware for establishing contact with the C2 channel. The idea behind this post is to show how to create a simple DGA using techniques for text generation. In particular, CNN using Keras and Tensorflow for R. This is the first part of a series of two. [6 min read]
The U-shape observed when measuring model performance on testset as a function of its flexibility does not hold during training deep learning models. (WHAT!!!?????. Is the world going mad?. Not really.)