Computer Science Notes

Computer Science Notes

CS Notes is a simple blog to keep track about CS-related stuff I consider useful.

04 Aug 2020

Statistical Rethinking Book [and other resources]

by Harpo MAxx

Today Twitter pointed me to a very interesting and practical book about Bayesian Statistics with examples in R and STAN.

The first two chapters are available free of charge from the book homepage. If you want a gentle and practical approach to Bayesian statistics I think this book could be a good first step.

In the first chapter of the book, there a simple but “useful” chart showing the usual prodecure for dealing with data. Obviously, this is something could change if we start to rethink our statistical approaches.


Another interesting twitter about bayesian methods in Machine Learning shows a really nice summary. I will copy here the first page of it. Use the twitt below for the complete summary as well as the links to the videos of the lecture.

bayesian summary

To conclude the post I will provide links to two well-known books for the more traditional frequentist statistics:


  1. The well known book by Andy Field, Discovering Statistics using R
  2. from Daniel Navarro Learning Statitics with R.

The last one is available free of charge here