All functions |
GSgalgoR: A bi-objective evolutionary meta-heuristic to identify robust transcriptomic classifiers associated with patient outcome across multiple cancer types. |
Functions to calculate distance matrices using cpu computing |
Print basic info per generation |
A base callback function that returns a galgo.Obj |
A default call_back function that does nothing. |
Print minimal information to the user about galgo execution. |
Classify samples from multiple centroids |
Wrapper function to perform partition around medioids (PAM) for GalgoR |
Distance to centroid classifier function |
Function for calculating the cosine similarity |
Create Centroids |
Galgo Object class |
GSgalgoR main function |
Function to calculate the centroids of different groups (classes) |
Summary of the non dominated solutions |
Plot pareto front from an galgo.Obj |
Survival fitness function using the Restricted Mean Survival Time (RMST) of each group |
Convert galgo.Obj to data.frame |
Convert galgo.Obj to list |