Computer Science Notes

Computer Science Notes

CS Notes is a simple blog to keep track about CS-related stuff I consider useful.

27 Feb 2023

Using CNN for a Domain name Generation Algorithm (1)

DGA is a mechanism used by malware for establishing contact with the C2 channel. The idea behind this post is to show how to create a simple DGA using techniques for text generation. In particular, CNN using Keras and Tensorflow for R. This is the first part of a series of two. [6 min read]
31 Oct 2022

Clustering techniques for time series

The good old clustering analysis techniques present some differences when applied to time series. So many to discuss in one simple post. However, I will do my best to provide some examples of two basic approaches for doing time series analysis [6min read].
28 Sep 2022


Nobody has doubts about the importance for humankind of the PANINI sticker album for the FIFA World Cup. From a mathematical point of view, several interesting questions arise. How much money do they need to spend? How many other collectors do they need to interact with? What if a sticker pack had 6 stickers instead of 4? Rodralez, from LABSIN developed an app for answering these and other questions [3min read].
04 Sep 2022

Beyond Random Split for Assessing Statistical Model Performance

Sometimes the standard splitting techniques used for testing your machine learning models can underestimate the generalization performance of the model. In this post, I expose some of the most common approaches for splitting your data beyond the classical random split approach. [5min read]
31 Jul 2022

Art with Data

The idea of making art with code is not new, but what about Data? Can data be a work of art? Well, the truth is that thanks to conceptualism, it is possible. Trust me! [4min read]